Division B (Middle School) Science Olympiad Regional Competition
Science Olympiad is a national science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) competition for students Gr. 6-12. Teams begin regulation competition at the regional level. The tournaments for the 2023 season are approaching quickly. My ability to staff these events varies directly with the degree of community involvement. That’s where you come in…
Please join us!
Volunteers are needed to assist with proctoring and scoring exams, measuring, and timing devices, entering data, and preparing and hopefully awarding medals at the Awards Ceremony. Volunteers do not have to be educators or experts in a STEM field. As long as you have a passion for supporting youth in extracurricular learning and friendly competition, this opportunity is for you.
Here are the tournaments, dates, and locations:
• Gr. 6-9 tournament: Saturday, December 10, 2022. Morgan Road Middle School, Liverpool.
• Gr. 9-12 tournament: Saturday, January 21, 2023. Le Moyne College, Syracuse.
• Gr. 6-9 tournament: Saturday, March 4, 2023. North Syracuse Jr. High School, North Syracuse.
Interested in signing up or learning more?
Email Patrick Witmer at pwitmer@newyorkscioly.org today!