Greening USA Green Bag Lunch: “Protecting the Skaneateles Lake Watershed: Progress and Challenges”

Friday, December 11th, 2020 12:00pm to 1:30pm
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Protecting the Skaneateles Lake Watershed:
Progress and Challenges
Friday, December 11, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
A webinar presentation and discussion to be held on GoTo Meeting.
Presenter: Frank Moses; Executive Director, Skaneateles Lake Association
Frank will discuss protection of the water supply for the City of Syracuse, Skaneateles Lake and its watershed, and describe past successes and strategies for the future.
This event is free, but registration is required (click here to register).
NOTE: A link to the meeting will be sent to those registered a few days prior to the event.
Did you miss our previous Green Bag Lunches? You can access those on our YouTube Channel!