GreeningUSA’s Virtual Green Bag Lunch: I-81 Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Final Comment Period!
Friday, August 13th, 2021 12:00pm to 1:30pm
: Online
Registration required
“I-81 Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Final Comment Period!”
Friday, August 13, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
A webinar presentation and discussion to be held on GoTo Meeting.
Confirmed Panelists:
- Deka Dancil, President, Urban Jobs Taskforce
- Lanessa Chaplin, Assistant Director, NY Civil Liberties Union
- Greg Loh, Chief Policy Officer, City of Syracuse, OR…
- Sharon Owens, Deputy Mayor, City of Syracuse
- Jonathan Link Logan, Director, Northside Up
- Robert Haley, AIA, LEED AP, Architect
GreeningUSA continues the conversation about the I-81 Viaduct Project in Syracuse with a focus on the DEIS, which the NYS DOT issued on July 16. The final community comment phase ends September 14, prior to issuance of the final EIS and record of decision.
Panelists from various perspectives will describe what they view as important issues requiring community input. Please plan on joining GreeningUSA as we help you prepare to effectively participate by submitting comments to the NY DOT in this important I-81 Community Grid approval phase.
This event is free, but registration is required (click here to register).
NOTE: A link to the meeting will be sent to those registered a few days prior to the event.
Did you miss our previous Green Bag Lunches? You can access those on our YouTube Channel! https://tinyurl.com/yyl4jh9a