GreeningUSA’s Virtual Green Bag Lunch: Re-Boot the I-81 Planning and Public Review Process!
Re-Boot the I-81 Planning and Public Review Process!
Friday, June 11, 2021
Panel Organizer:
Robert Haley, AIA, LEED AP, Architect, with guest panelists to be announced.
1. Where we are now, after two years of pandemic delay?
2. What’s next? The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) & the start of the Public Review Process.
3. And a new proposal for a “Neighbors of I-81 Sustainable/Smart Growth Development Zone” initiative. This Green Bag lunch will outline a plan for a long term, sustainable development program to complement the $2B Department of Transportation (DOT) reconstruction project in CNY. It would be a joint City, County, State & Federal incentive program to assist all property owners along the current I-81 corridor (called the “BL” or “Business Loop” in the DOT DEIS plan). This joint governmental program would focus current and future sustainable funding for qualifying projects along the current I-81 route through the city and county.