Innovations in Energy Storage at Buildings
Innovations in Energy Storage at Buildings
Market Opportunities and Visions for Growth
Join us for an EPIC Buildings Online Panel Discussion
WEBINAR: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00pm
On-site energy storage at buildings is a key component in reducing energy costs for operating buildings, contributing to their decarbonization and increasing their energy resilience.
This panel discussion features three companies working on innovation products for energy storage at buildings. The discussion will center on the market opportunities and visions of three companies seeking to grow their business in this energy sector.
Norma Byron, Ashlawn Energy
Ellie Risling, MicroEra Power
Paul Mutolo, Standard Hydrogen Corp.
Eric A. Schiff, SyracuseCoE, New York’s Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, Syracuse University
The EPIC Buildings project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy to assist and promote companies developing energy hardware innovations for buildings. The project is led jointly by the SyracuseCoE, the Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems at Syracuse University and by the Tech Garden of CenterState CEO. Read more about the EPIC Buildings Accelerator.