SyracuseCoE Partners Day
Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems (SyracuseCoE) is excited to host its second annual Partners Day. Open to all members of the SyracuseCoE Partner Program, this event is designed to highlight current research and development priorities and strengthen ecosystem connections among Partners.
The formal program will begin at 1:00pm, but we invite you to join us for a casual lunch at 12:30pm.
12:30 pm: Lunch and Networking
1:00 pm Program begins
- Welcome – Scott MacBain, Carrier Corp. and SyracuseCoE Industry Partners Council Chair
- Overview of R&D Projects at SyracuseCoE – Dr. Jianshun “Jensen” Zhang, Executive Director
- Carrier Ventures – Scott MacBain
- Panel Discussion: Communities’ Role in Innovation – Moderated by Prof. Ian Shapiro
- Updates from SyracuseCoE Partners on key projects and upcoming opportunities
3:00 pm: Keynote Address from William Bahnfleth: ASHRAE Standard 241 Control of Infectious Aerosols – Agent for Change in Building Design and Operation (co-sponsored by the CNY ASHRAE Chapter)
4:00 pm: Tour of SyracuseCoE labs
4:00 pm: Reception in Lab Wing, co-hosted by the CNY ASHRAE Chapter