TACNY Summer STEM Trekker Program – SOLD OUT
2023 SOLD OUT! We’re not sure a free event can be “sold” out, so let’s just say we are oversubscribed and no longer accepting applications. We hope you’ll try again next year. Thanks for your support of TACNY programs!
When: Session 1 – Tuesday, July 25th, and Wednesday, July 26th; Session 2 – Thursday, July 27th and Friday, July 28th. All days from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Each session is two days. A child does not need to register for both sessions in order to apply, although those who choose both will have priority for scheduling purposes. Applications are approved on a first come, first served basis. There is a cap of 40 students per session.)
Where: Syracuse University’s College of Engineering Link Hall. Participant drop off and pick up for both sessions will be at Link Hall at Syracuse University. Complimentary bus transportation for field trips will be provided by TACNY.
Who Should Attend?
Are you the parent of a student entering the 6th-9th grades in the fall? Are they involved with STEM or want to explore STEM, want to find out what it’s all about? If you answered yes to these questions, then keep reading. There is no cost to attend!
Program Goal:
The goal of the Program is to offer a comprehensive, unique and rigorous STEM interactive educational experience that piques students’ interest in STEM that incorporates local businesses and organizations.
- Session One will highlight Environmental Engineering: Proactive versus Reactive Ways to Handle Water Pollution. Students will build a model of a city and design green water technologies, all while considering a project budget, in an effort to mitigate pollutants in water run off. They will partake in a demonstration by Upstate Freshwater Institute (UFI), interactive activities at the Onondaga Lake Visitors Center, and view solution technologies on tours of SUNY ESF and the OCWA Water Treatment Plant in Otisco.
- The theme for Session 2 continues to be Robotics Engineering, Design and Coding. Students will design, build, code, and ‘drive’ a robot, all guided by experts at Syracuse University. They will also tour Syracuse University’s Dynamic Locomotion and Robotics Lab, as well as Ramboll Inc. located in Liverpool, NY. Those students who participated in the 2022 Trekker robotics program will be placed in a different group this year to allow for opportunities to program and code the robot at a higher level, in addition to exploring different robotic challenges. The tour at Ramboll will also be differentiated so that each participant has a positive and new experience.
How to Apply:
All those interested must complete the application provided here. Applications will be accepted through Saturday, April 15, 2023.
New York State (NYS) and Syracuse University protocols will be followed. This may include masking, vaccine and/or testing requirements. You can see the current NYS requirements by visiting the NYS Department of Health website. As we get closer to the STEM Trekkers program date, we will share updates on our website, our social media sites, and email all students who are registered, and all volunteers.