Junior Cafe Scientifique: Water Science
Saturday, March 16th, 2024 9:30am to 11:00am
: 500 S. Franklin St. Syracuse, NY 13202
Information and Registration
Water Science; Monica Caves, Upstate Freshwater Institute
A continental breakfast will be available at 9:15; attendees must be seated by 9:30. RSVP by replying, with headcount, to jrcafe@tacny.org.
Presenter: Monica Caves, Upstate Freshwater Institute.
Talk Overview:
“Water quality” often means different things to different people, but how do limnologists, or scientists who study freshwater lakes and rivers, study and measure it? Find out the answers to these questions, learn more about the chemical and biological processes that are a part of freshwater systems and discover how our actions on land can affect our local lakes and streams during this event!
Monica Caves is a research scientist at the Upstate Freshwater Institute, a not-for-profit research organization in Syracuse. Monica monitors and collects samples from freshwater systems across central New York in order to help people learn more about water quality and make scientifically-based natural resource management decisions.
Next TACNY Junior Café Scientifique:
April 13, 2024: Dr Adam Parlin, Syracuse Squirrels: evolution in your backyard